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Ways to Lower Your Utility Costs This Summer

Homeowner closing their blinds to save on energy bills

There's no question about it — New York summers can be sweltering. Sometimes with the summertime comes the rise in your energy bill that no one wants to see. As much as spiked energy bills may get you down, we know the perfect way to cheer you back up! While we spend more time indoors this year, use these tips and tricks in your daily summer routine to lower your energy bill today.

How Do I Lower My Energy Bill?

Use Ceiling Fans

Now, we're not talking about turning off your air conditioning unit and using ceiling fans on their own, because that's not practical. However, you can use your ceiling fans in correlation with your AC system because that's where the cooling magic happens.

Make sure your ceiling fan blades are turning counterclockwise to push the cool air down and create a wind-chill effect in your living space. With your fan on, you can comfortably move the temperature on your thermostat up 4 degrees, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Avoid Using Appliances

On hotter days, don't use your stove to cook a four-course meal. Also, try to only run full loads of clothes and dishes. It may sound surprising, but it does make a difference!

Utilize Your Thermostat

From setting it too high or dropping the temperature too low, you may feel as if there's no right setting for your thermostat — especially if the members of your family like to change it to their liking. However, the goal is to set your thermostat as high as possible without losing comfort.

You really want to be a few degrees lower than the outside temperature to provide maximum comfort. The recommended temperature for your thermostat is 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The more you play with your thermostat, the more work your system has to do. Try setting specific temperature settings for different times of the day. This should eliminate the need to constantly adjust your thermostat manually.

With a programmable thermostat, you can set your system to change temperature based on your sleeping schedule and when you plan to leave your house (i.e. work, school, vacation).

Close the Blinds

While this may seem silly to do in the summer, this works effectively to cool your home down. When you think about it, when your curtains are open, you're allowing sun rays to infiltrate your home, essentially making it hotter than it needs to be.

Why Does My AC Unit Need to Be Maintained?

The maintenance of your AC unit is just as important as your daily routine changes. Left unchecked, your heating and cooling unit can develop a multitude of issues. Here are some areas of your HVAC that you should keep in mind:

Air Duct Leaks

You could have a leak in your air ducts, which essentially would be sucking up a good portion of your money. This can mess with your energy efficiency. So, the best thing to do would be to get your air ducts checked out!

Clean Your Air Filter

The air from your air conditioner goes through your air filter first, in order to trap any dust, debris or contaminants from entering your home. When this happens, you guessed it — your air filter becomes dirty and backed-up. Now that your air filter is covered in allergens, the air won't be able to push through the filter, causing your central air system to work inefficiently.

During the summer, it is recommended to clean or change your air filter once a month. This can save you up to 5-15% just by keeping up with your air filters.

Check Coil Fins

These fins are located on your condenser and evaporator coils. The coil fins can become bent, which reduces airflow. Buying a fin comb can help fix these fins and get them back to where they need to be.

Seal Room Air Conditioners

It's important to first inspect your room air conditioner and make sure there is no gap between the air conditioner and the window. If there is, you're losing air to your home and allowing moisture to take hold of that space. If you do see a space, make sure to close it up by investing in inexpensive caulking or weatherstripping.

HVAC Maintenance in Brooklyn, NY

If your energy bill is still too high and you have checked each of these steps off your list, you may be in need of a new air conditioning system. In that case, you can call Einstein's Plumbing & Heating, Inc. where our expert technicians can check your system and provide a solution!

Contact us at (718) 215-9664 or fill out our online contact form.
