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Different Heating Options for Your Home

An illustration of a family, with a mom and dad sitting on the couch and two children playing ball in front of them.

Exploring Your Options for Residential Heating Systems

New Yorkers brave some harsh winters, so heating systems are top of mind for several months out of the year. Most homes in the country — and especially the Northeast — use furnaces or boilers to heat their humble abodes. We’ll focus on those types of heating systems, as well as the types of fuel available.

Gas-Fired Furnaces & Boilers

gas furnaceFurnaces and boilers, powered by gas, use either natural gas or propane to stimulate heat. Propane is a bit pricier of an option but is available for those without access to a natural gas pipeline.

One of the features of a gas-powered unit is the pilot light. This is a continuously (or intermittently) burning flame that is the ignition source for the unit. Since New York also experiences warm springs and summers, you can turn off the pilot light during these months if your system allows, saving you some money.

Some of the risks associated with gas-powered units is that cost varies by location, a gas leak could happen when you least expect it, and older systems gradually become inefficient.

Oil-Fired Furnaces & Boilers

Oil is among the most popular choices for heating in the Northeast, where gas can be limited based on location. These heating systems use oil, stored in a nearby tank, and pump it to the furnace for heat.

A risk associated with oil systems is a spill, usually mitigated with a drip pan below the oil tank. A con for oil systems is the relatively high cost compared to other heating fuels. They also require periodic refilling, where gas or electric furnaces are continuously supplied with fuel.

Electric Furnaces

Electric furnaces are one of the most energy-efficient options for heating your home. They also tend to cost less for installation and are generally safer due to the lack of combustible fuel like oil or gas.

Their best feature is their efficiency, meaning they can convert nearly 100 percent of their energy into heat. Gas furnaces convert as low as 50 percent for older models or up to about 97 percent for newer models. Electric systems also tend to last much longer than gas or oil.

A con for electric systems is that they take longer to produce heat compared to gas or oil. This can result in higher energy bills if you live in a frigid climate.

Other Types of Home Heating Systems

While these are the most common options for our area, there are others out there.

Wood and Pellet-Burning Fireplaces / Appliances

wood fireplaceMore than just a fireplace or corner stove, wood-fired appliances can help heat large areas or entire homes. A significant concern with wood heating is air pollution. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, wood-burning fireplaces and appliances can emit air pollutants. Though be warned: New York City, along with others across the country, has banned the construction of new wood-burning fireplaces due to air pollution.

Active Solar

solar panelsWhile less common in New York City, solar is becoming one of the top heating choices for energy and budget-conscious homeowners. Solar panels collect energy from the sun and either directly transfer it to an indoor space or store it for later.

You can also supplement solar systems with traditional heating units.

Heat Pumps

heat pumpHeat pump systems do as their name suggests: they move warm air from one place to another, creating either a warmer or cooler space, depending on the time of year. If you notice that the climate in which you live requires little heating or cooling, a heat pump can help you save money and energy. These systems are available both with or without ducts.

Heating Installation in Brooklyn

Einstein's Plumbing & Heating, Inc. is the intelligent choice for all your heating, cooling, and plumbing needs in Brooklyn. Our 35 years of experience will ensure you get the best solution possible for your home.

Call today or contact us online to get started with your next heating system installation!
